Lambeth Short Breaks Consultation Tell us what you think about our proposals for our short breaks service and what we should do next.
Lambeth groups shortlisted for “Community Sponsorship” awards, for helping to resettle refugees Lambeth’s work in providing homes for families fleeing conflict abroad has received national recognition, with a host of nominations for the “Community Sponsorship” awards. Two community groups and the...
GLOWS: makerspace and hotdesks for Lambeth entrepreneurs The first local businesses to set up home in GLOWS in Tulse Hill started in the first week of September – but there’s still plenty of space available for...
Stockwell Skatepark to be refurbished As part of Lambeth’s commitment to maintaining and upgrading our parks and open spaces, Stockwell Skatepark will undergo an extensive refurbishment in January 2019.
Lambeth Heritage Festival September 2018: events open all month September marks the sixth Lambeth Heritage Festival. Lambeth Archives has worked with the Lambeth Local History Forum to put together a programme of more than 90 walks, talks, events,...
Songwriting sessions with School Ground Sounds Brixton-based music charity School Ground Sounds run projects throughout the year to help young people develop their talent. Sign up for September’s songwriting toolkit workshops.
Housing for Women’s annual charity run challenge – Get Fit, Have Fun and Make a Difference Brixton-based Housing for Women has been empowering women since 1935 and a fundraising Run in Brockwell Park on Sunday 30 September is in aid of their unique blend of...
Work begins to install new artwork for Brixton Road rail-bridge Brixton town centre is ready to get a brand new look with a bold and colourful new art installation set to be added to its prominent railway bridge.