Cool it Art Cool it Art provides free creative opportunities for the community; from murals to animation to pop-up-art schools.
Staying safe in hot weather The Met Office has issued a level 3 heatwave alert for London until Wednesday 21 June, here is advice from Public Health England for staying safe in hot weather.
Council leader and Chief Executive join minute’s silence in respect of Grenfell victims Lambeth council leader, Cllr Lib Peck, and Chief Executive Sean Harriss have released an updated statement after observing a minute of silence for the victims of the Grenfell Tower...
Lambeth Musitrax Festival 2017 Lambeth Music Service return to Southbank Centre to present a celebration of their unique whole class music teaching programme with their forthcoming Musitrax Festival
Black Sound festival starts in Brixton Black Cultural Archives celebrate 100 years of Black British music with current exhibition Black Sound on display until 7 November 2017. This Summer, the sounds of roots reggae, lovers...
The Stockwell Festival is back – bigger and brighter than ever before. The theme is ‘Stockwell Together’ – with the strength and diversity of the neighbourhood reflected in the incredible mix of music, food, dance, art, and community groups at the...
Charlie Chaplin honoured with English Heritage Blue Plaque The latest blue plaque to be erected in Lambeth commemorates Charlie Chaplin, one of the greatest stars of early cinema.
The Great Get Together Get together with your neighbours for a weekend celebrating community, commonality and connections