Read April’s Lambeth talk Lambeth talk is our monthly magazine that brings you news about things happening in the borough, features about local services, a guide to local events and interesting articles about...
Pay by Direct Debit and you could win £1,000 Sign up to pay your Lambeth Council Tax by Direct Debit by 1 July 2016 to be entered into our free draw to win one of five £1,000 prizes.
World Autism Awareness Week 2016 We have many events taking place throughout the week, providing a great opportunity to find out more about autism and the support available.
20mph comes to Lambeth As of Monday 4 April 2016, a new 20mph speed limit will come into effect on all Lambeth controlled roads.
Lambeth Community Pride Awards – who will you nominate? If you know someone or a group of people that go that extra mile to make a positive contribution to the lives of others in the community, please nominate...
Register to vote by Monday 18 April To vote in the Mayor of London and Assembly Members elections you must be registered to vote by midnight Monday 18 April.
Free bike maintenance training for young people in Lambeth Lambeth’s Sustainable Transport Team has created an opportunity for 16 to 24 year olds who are not currently in education, employment or training to receive up to £1,500 of...
Letting you know about our budget challenge… We think it’s important that you – our residents – understand the current financial situation we are facing.