Mosaic Clubhouse in Brixton reopens for members Mosaic Clubhouse has kept in touch during lockdown through extra digital devices– but the information hub, kitchens, gardens, Evening Sanctuary and more are now back in the building.
Festival to celebrate black identity Lambeth Council will host a two-day festival in collaboration with the (Fashion) Minority Report, celebrating the achievements of our black community to mark the one-year anniversary of the Black...
Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival 2021 – events for young readers and writers Thursdays in May mean a chance to hear guest authors talk about new books for families and young readers as part of the Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival 2021
Take part in the Virtual Lambeth Country Show 2021 Applications are now open to apply to take part in this years, Virtual Lambeth Country Show on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 July.
Windrush Triathlon ‘get fit in 6 weeks’ challenge is back May 1 is the starting date for running and strength and fitness training for the Windrush Triathlon, with swimming coaching following the roadmap out of lockdown to begin on...
Lambeth delivers on enhanced Covid-19 PCR testing More than 70,000 PCR tests have been registered by over 11s in Lambeth during enhanced testing in response to a cluster of the Covid-19 variant first identified in South...
Volunteer virtual befriending programme in Lambeth Extracare Connectforce Community has set up virtual communication between Extracare residents of St Peter’s Residence in Lambeth and performing artists
West Norwood: Lambeth council responds to serious incident Message of community reassurance following an incident that left two teenage girls with stab injuries