Lambeth Council: Reducing the threat from terrorism We're working to protect popular public spaces from the threat of potential terror attacks
Lambeth wards could be changing for the first time in 20 years After twenty years, it's time to look again at how Lambeth's wards are divided. Cllr Jim Dickson on why the upcoming review of our ward boundaries is something residents...
Regenerating Brixton Rec Quarter Lambeth Council appoint muf architecture/ art to lead design for Regenerating Brixton’s Rec Quarter Project.
Clay kits free for creative kids Mud Gang’s first 50 clay activity kits to get Brixton kids creating are being delivered via a crowdfunder campaign and The Childhood Trust. More will follow...
‘Free Your Mind’ supports mental wellbeing in Lambeth Even as we emerge from lockdown, the mental health impact of Covid-19 will be with us for a long time – ‘Free Your Mind’ is a new support campaign...
Lambeth Country Show is virtually coming to your home this year The Lambeth Country Show team have pulled together some fabulous content for an online version of the much loved annual event after having to cancel the traditional fun in...
How to quit smoking and stay calm in the process Stop Smoking London and Good Thinking have teamed up to give smokers in Lambeth some key tips on how to quit – and how to stay calm in the...
Lambeth Council: Support to our at risk arts and cultural organisations Funding worth £355,000 allocated to help Lambeth not-for-profit arts and culture organisations struggling through the coronavirus crisis