Events strategy consultation update Lambeth Council is currently inviting the borough’s residents to ‘Have your say on how we manage events in our parks and open spaces’.
Lambeth elects first Kurdish mayor Lambeth council elected the borough’s first Mayor of Kurdish heritage on Wednesday night when Cllr Ibrahim Dogus was confirmed in the role for the next 12-months.
Lambeth issues its own CIL instalments policy From 1 June 2019, Lambeth will be applying its own CIL instalments policy which will be offered to all development that commences on or after 1 June 2019.
2019 Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival The 2019 Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival is here with a month-long programme of inspirational literary events – we hope you find something to enjoy.
New playground opens in Brixton under Lambeth upgrade works A new playground on Cowley Estate is part of the Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP) Capital Project with Lambeth council to upgrade 11 early years hubs, children’s centres and...
Polish National Day and more in May As part of the celebrations of 3 May,Polish National Day, Stockwell Partnership support Lambeth’s Polish Community in celebrating with dance, food, art and more.
Read Spring’s Lambeth talk Loughborough Primary School became the third Lambeth school to have a ‘green screen’ installed to help reduce air pollution on the school playground. Clapham’s businesses have voted overwhelmingly in...
Van Gogh’s Lambeth home to open for artists and visitors Van Gogh’s time living in Lambeth is believed to be among the happiest years of his life: first job, first love and starting to paint. A new Van Gogh...