Vegetable Invasion Comes to Brixton Vegetables will be invading a Family Fun Day in Windrush Square, Brixton on Saturday, April 6. Families from across Lambeth are invited to bring the kids and enjoy the...
Lambeth celebrates inspirational foster carers The Lambeth Foster Carer Awards took place on Friday 29 March, looking back over 2018 at the inspiring contribution our foster carers have made to the children and young...
Eat Them to Defeat Them: Veg Invasion of Brixton! Eat them to defeat them is a high profile national campaign from Veg Power and ITV to encourage kids to eat more veg. Now the Veg are invading Brixton...
Transgender health service opens this month South London’s first sexual health service for trans people will open at King’s College Hospital at the end of April.
Statement: Clapham High Street killing The stabbing of a man in Clapham High Street this afternoon has resulted in the second killing on our streets in the space of three days. It is another...
Community Gym Open Day Come and try the free activities and classes at the new Commnunity Gym at Brixton Rec.
Statement following fatal incident in West Norwood We are dismayed and saddened to learn that a young man was killed in West Norwood today. Our thoughts are with the victim’s family.
Many hands make Brixton art Art4Space is an award winning, not-for-profit social enterprise founded and run by professional artists. With Lansdowne school in Brixton they created a new, stunning mosaic mural celebrating Brixton.