Hundreds of young people inspired to start their journey in the creative industries Nearly 300 young people took part in a revolutionary careers festival on Sunday, looking to start their journey in the creative industries.
Lambeth scores in London’s Parks report Lambeth scores highly in the 2018 ‘Good Parks for London’ report, highlighting what volunteers and local people do, alongside what our Events and Landscapes Teams to manage these essential...
No one should have no one this Christmas in Lambeth More than 56% of people aged over 65 live alone in Lambeth, please help Age UK Lambeth overcome loneliness on Christmas Day.
Lambeth proposes CPZ for the Streatham Hill East Area Following requests and petitions from residents in the Streatham Hill East Area to be re-consulted on CPZ, we are now undertaking a Stage 1 Consultation to get residents views.
Star performance for Team Lambeth The London Youth Games events take place over 9 months, with young people from all 33 London boroughs taking part. Team Lambeth is always looking for more inspiring young...
Community unites to clear ‘rubbish crisis’ Lambeth, our waste collection partners Veolia, and community-minded residents all worked together to avoid a ‘rubbish crisis’.
Read Winter’s Lambeth talk West Norwood celebrates the opening of a new Library and cinema. Vauxhall has a new gym. Young professionals find affordable workspace in Brixton. Lambeth gets ready for the new...
Mayor’s reception marks 30 years of World AIDS Day Doctors, volunteers, councillors, entertainers and more came together at the Town Hall for World AIDS Day to commemorate what has happened in Lambeth and celebrate signs of progress over...