Our Streets – Streatham Hill What is Our Streets? The third phase of our successful and popular neighbourhood enhancement programme has reached Streatham Hill.
Disability Hate Crime: Challenge it, report it, stop it National Hate Crime Awareness Week runs 13 – 20 October. Lambeth Disability Hate Crime Partnership is running an awareness-raising event about identifying, reporting, and getting help for the victims...
Apply online and apply on time Apply now for a secondary school place for 2019/20. If your child was born between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2008, you must apply for their secondary school...
Lambeth to increase responsive noise nuisance service Lambeth Council has announced plans to improve its noise nuisance service, following a review of its existing provision.
Lambeth leading the way in supporting start-up businesses Lambeth Council has been recognised by a national award scheme for its work on supporting enterprise and business start-ups.
Lambeth Adult Learning celebrates outstanding school family literacy group Clapham Manor School’s Family Literacy Programme won the Outstanding Learner Group of the Year award from Lambeth Adult Learning, for learning to develop resources, games and strategies to support...
Lambeth’s Active Support for National Fitness Day Lambeth leisure centres offer free fitness sessions on Wednesday 26 September, all taking part in a national day of inspiration for exercise and better health.
Lambeth Heritage Festival September 2018: Week Four highlights Sept 23-30 September marks the sixth Lambeth Heritage Festival. Lambeth Archives has worked with the Lambeth Local History Forum to put together a rich and innovative programme of more than 90...