Lambeth Housing Standard: Macintosh Court Residents of Macintosh Court celebrated the LHS works to update their communal lounge with musical bingo and a fish and chip supper supplied by Lambeth’s construction partners Engie.
St Leonard’s restoration funding breakthrough St Leonard’s Church, Streatham, now has the money it needs for roof repairs, disabled access, a new kitchen and other updates to make it easier to invite the community...
Lambeth sets out plans for further improvements in children’s services Lambeth sets out plans to improve children's services still further, after Ofsted judged they were no longer 'inadequate'
Chief Executive appointment recommendation made Full Council will meet in July to consider a report recommending a permanent appointment to the post of Chief Executive.
Domestic violence – Time to talk about it Ending violence against women and girls is one of Lambeth’s key priorities and we’re putting details of where to find help (in two languages) on bags from the chemist.
South London Botanical Institute runs deeper roots into the Lambeth community South London Botanical Institute (SLBI) have worked with Good Gym Lambeth’s runners and St Mungo’s homelessness charity to share the message of the power of plants.
Heatwave: stay safe The Met Office has issued a heatwave warning until at least the end of the month. Temperatures in Lambeth hit 30 degrees this week and here are 10 tips...
Lambeth Housing Standard: Flossie’s story The Council pledged to invest over £450m in works to make council housing meet the Lambeth Housing Standard agreed by residents. Works to improve homes on Lambeth’s street and...