Letter: Lambeth calls on the Government to end food poverty Call for 'Right to Food' to be make law across the UK in the face of unacceptable food poverty facing families in Lambeth, London and beyond
Streatham: Much loved park gets back in the swing of things Hillside Gardens Park, a former private tennis club in Streatham, has been overhauled in partnership with the local community
Statement: Concluding report released by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse Lambeth Council has released a statement following the release of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse concluding report and welcomed its recommendations
Lambeth: Council to plant hundreds of new trees by spring Lambeth has appointed a contractor partner to begin meeting our environmental target of planting 5,000 new trees by 2026.
Dressing for success The Workwear Scheme loans interview clothes to help jobseekers bounce back from the impact of Covid-19 and the cost of living crisis.
Lambeth: Find out more about vaccinations keeping our children safe from disease All Lambeth parents and carers are welcome to find out more about how vaccinations keep children safe.
Lambeth: £5million health research funding secured The funding will help take action to improve the health of local people - and address health inequalities in the borough
Highlighting Hate Crime: National Hate Crime Awareness Week 8 to 15 October Lambeth and partners are working to raise awareness of hate crime and show solidarity against its negative impact on all protected characteristics. Visit our information stalls.