Lambeth announces half-term free school meals for children who need them Council backs powerful free school meals campaign led by Marcus Rashford MBE
Remembrance Sunday to be marked in Lambeth Remembrance Sunday services to be held across the borough, but with scaled back attendance due to Covid-19
Lambeth parks break last year’s Green Flag record This year’s extra visitors and challenges to park management couldn’t stop Lambeth’s parks winning more Green Flag awards this year than ever before.
New #YouCanAdopt campaign launches in Lambeth Understand some common myths around who can adopt and hear from others about what it's meant for them
100 Great Black Britons book to be celebrated in the borough New book set to be given to every school and library in Lambeth as part of Black History Month celebrations
Little Library in memory of Streatham community activist mum A little lending library on the street is the perfect way to celebrate Streatham resident Louise Simonsen and her life and love of books.
Lambeth shoppers say goodbye to pointless packaging with Refill app Lambeth Council is committed to phasing out avoidable single use plastics and supports initiatives making it easy for residents and businesses to do the same. Refill’s new free app...
Lambeth challenges government over statue and memorial ‘power grab’ Cllr Sonia Winifred has written to the government expressing alarm that Ministers could be set to restrict the power of local governments and their communities in making locally agreed...