CareerEar plugs career movers in to free tech support When mentoring to help people find careers where they can fulfill their potential could only reach individuals, Lambeth businesswoman Claudine started CareerEar to give career support online.
Big team-up for fashion for charity Lambeth Council offered a link between high street clothing retailer White Stuff and the local community groups that they wanted to help with donations.
Artist’s portrait leads the field in virtual veg show Public votes on Facebook have chosen winners for the Lambeth Country Show Veg Sculpture since 2015. This year, the entries were also online for the very first Virtual Lambeth...
Lambeth learners celebrate online Lambeth Adult Learning took its annual conference and awards ceremony online to celebrate learners, volunteers and staff
Lambeth theatres wrapped in hope Clapham Omnibus and Longfield Hall volunteered to be wrapped in ‘#Missing LiveTheatre’ tape as pieces of art to send a message of hope to audiences and to theatre workers.
Ruskin Park volunteers – pitching in to litter pick As we all become more and more aware of how important Lambeth’s parks are, local volunteers and the Friends of Ruskin Park work alongside Lambeth Landscapes staff to make...
Lambeth: Covid-19 impacts and recovery plan set out Counting the costs of the panademic, while planning for a strong recovery with investment in jobs, homes, infrastructure and tackling climate change
Lambeth Libraries’ ‘Rising Star’ It’s a secret who nominated Lambeth Librarian Zoey Dixon to the Bookseller magazine as a rising star – and why - but she’s on their list recognising ‘forward thinking...