Local lad makes good with Workwise Workwise is a partnership between Lambeth Council and St Mungo’s that aims to help some residents at risk of homelessness find work. Lionel brings local knowledge to the role...
Lambeth’s Local Offer for special needs young people We're here for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. We support them, their parents and carers, and professionals working in health, care or education.
Brixton Rowers earn Resilience Award Brixton Wings are challenging the myth that rowing is only for the privileged, and only for people who live near water! Based in the Angell Town Estate, Brixton they...
Lambeth’s healthy weight services are changing In partnership with the Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group, we have developed proposals to change healthy weight services in the borough.
Cllr Claire Holland: ‘Act tougher to improve air quality’ The government recently published a draft Clean Air Strategy, outlining plans to improve air quality in the UK. They are currently consulting on the plans, and Lambeth Council is...
Two more businesses fined thousands of pounds after selling knives to underage customers Two businesses in Lambeth have been fined thousands of pounds after pleading guilty to selling knives to underage customers, following an investigation by Lambeth Trading Standards officers.
London in Bloom 2018 – Lambeth at its Blooming Best Lambeth Landscapes parks staff have been showing the imagination and flair people bring to our open spaces to visiting London in Bloom judges. Even though judging for 2018 just...
£200k grant launched for groups helping young people into work Community groups, small charities and voluntary sector organisations in Lambeth needed now to deliver the Headstart Action programme to help young people - with funds from the Mayor...