The Great Get Together Get together with your neighbours for a weekend celebrating community, commonality and connections
Rebuilding the community at Brixton Barrier Block "Our priorities are to rebuild the reputation of the community space and support Southwyck House tenants and residents”
School ‘Green Screen’ installed to combat air pollution A pioneering ‘Green Screen’ to protect children from harmful air pollutants has been unveiled at a Brixton primary school.
Statement following the Grenfell Tower fire in Kensington Following last night’s devastating fire in Kensington, Leader of Lambeth Council, Cllr Lib Peck, has released a statement to reassure Lambeth residents.
Lambeth shortlisted for New London Awards 2017 Lambeth’s Investment and Growth team have been nominated for an award for their great work with local residents. The New London Awards 2017 celebrate London’s best new and proposed...
Rapport festival needs you Rapport Festival is a brand new arts festival that has been created to redefine the artistic and cultural landscape of the UK. The festival will take place in Brixton...
Wyvil relaunches Gilbert Rose Garden Over the past four years, the Gilbert House Rose garden has been painstakingly cleared and rebuilt with recycled materials rescued from building sites, new developments and other donations.
Read Summer’s Lambeth Talk Every summer in Lambeth we enjoy our parks and open spaces with local festivals across the borough. Lambeth talk invites us to meet up, share and celebrate our community.