Home Start takes the cake, says Angela Home-Start Lambeth is recruiting volunteers to train to help families with young children.
Boost for community groups in the borough More than 250 people attended a new event this week which was organised to help community groups and charities get access to funding.
Sports and physical activity in Lambeth Are you a community organisation, club, coach or a physical activity practitioner? Lambeth Council’s Sports and Leisure Service, invite you to attend our free event.
Digital Champions: helping Lambeth families share IT skills In a year, the Digital Champions Scheme has grown to include local people - who originally came along to learn - as teachers.
Get on Board with Bus Days for child safety Bus Day sessions are on the last Wednesday of every month with a choice of morning or afternoon. They help children feel more confident to travel on buses -...
Caldwell growing better "We want these spaces to bring people together. Gardening’s always on the TRA’s agenda, and new people have joined us."
Rise of the super-parents We need foster carers to look after our most-in-need children - so if you have a passion for parenting, a spare bedroom and are up for a challenge then...
Lambeth Community Event for dementia awareness As part of Dementia Awareness Week (14-20 May) your local Alzheimer's Society branch is organising a FREE event for the community to come together and join us for a...