Wriggle & Rhyme returns to Herne Hill The popular Wriggle & Rhyme group, that operates in other libraries across the borough and used to be provided in Carnegie library, is now taking place every Wednesday morning...
The bin’s the thing Streatham Street Champion Michael welcomes new green recycling wheelie bin to 3-bin waste collection system
Improving Atlantic Road We would like everyone who uses Atlantic Road, Brixton to get involved in deciding how the street can work better for them and the town centre.
Focus on Lambeth February/March 2017 Our local area newsletter comes to your door this week. Read news for our communities, our planning and environment, tell us your views in consultations and find out more...
We’re on the move: Central area housing moves customer services Central Area’s move from cabins in Greenleaf Close on the Tulse Hill estate to Olive Morris House on Brixton Hill will offer better transport access for most residents and...
This Girl Can with Lambeth This Girl Can is a programme for all women aged 14-25 years old in Lambeth. Together we will move more and have a laugh doing so.
Lock it And Stop it Lambeth Council is working with you to secure your home and can provide eligible residents with FREE security upgrades.
Calling all knitters! Come and take part in a 'knit-in' on 27 January to help patients with dementia at King's College Hospital.