Green spaces win Gold in Lambeth A record-winning entry from Lambeth's Parks Team to the 'London in Bloom' Awards reflects the love and care that Lambeth staff, volunteers and Friends put into the borough's...
Lambeth: Greener and safer parks fleet hailed a success The greener and safer fleet of vehicles serving the borough’s parks, open spaces and cemeteries has received national acknowledgement
Lambeth: Green cremation tech to cut pollution Lambeth Council has retrofitted new technology on our cremators in both Lambeth and West Norwood Crematorium to reduce the impact on the environment.
National LGBTQ+ Coming Out Day (11 October) Coming out still matters – it helps Lambeth and other public bodies plan for the LGBTQ+ community, and your story can inspire other people and work towards equality.
Lambeth tenant convicted of illegally subletting home A former Lambeth tenant has been convicted of offences under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act after being found to be subletting the council tenancy.
Brixton: Security works close to completion Progress on Windrush Square work as completion date approaches
Black Communities Health and Wellbeing Day October 16 - a chance for people to reconnect and make sure we’re looking after our long-term health.
Lambeth Foster Carers online information evening October If you think you could be the difference caring for someone else’s child as part of your family, please book a place at Lambeth's online Fostering information evening