National Offer Day 2020: Lambeth offers a primary school place to every child Every child who had an application for a reception place in a Lambeth primary school for September 2020 has been offered one, new figures have revealed today
Lambeth Gofundme project helps charities feed the most vulnerable in our community Only a couple of weeks ago, Will Straw and his neighbour in Clapham launched the Lambeth Foodbank Fund to raise funds for foodbanks across Lambeth. They have already passed...
Lambeth talk Covid-19 support available for Portuguese readers Portuguese translations of advice and help for the community taken from the special Covid-19 Crisis edition of the council’s news magazine Lambeth talk are available now for free download.
Public Protection act fast to close businesses flouting emergency legislation designed to keep us all safe Government has passed emergency legislation to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Businesses who have ignored these important new rules have found themselves answering to Public Protection officers.
Lambeth staff volunteer for change of duties and give extra help Over 50 council officers who normally serve the people of Lambeth working in plces like Legal and Governance, Finance, Public Protection, Electoral Services, ICT, School services, Parking and Customer...
Read our special business-focused edition of Lambeth Talk A 12-page special edition of Lambeth Talk for businesses and the self-employed is available now for free download and hand-delivery to business addresses in the borough.
Covid-safe Easter fun for families with under-5s A lot of us are having to find ways to occupy, entertain and stimulate our children, as well as juggle home schooling, all within our own homes! Here's some...
Stay at home and find Easter fun Easter for young people needn’t be dull. Ideas for older kids to stay busy indoors for safety this Easter.