Generation Storm hits Vauxhall Role models from different backgrounds help the young women of Generation Storm improve their mental well-being and physical fitness at the Black Prince Trust
Lambeth council urges the government to invest in tackling domestic abuse Coinciding with International Women’s Day, Leader of the council, Cllr Jack Hopkins, has written to the government responding to the newly proposed Domestic Abuse Bill.
Lambeth councillors lobby government to fund HIV prevention Lambeth Councillors hand-delivered a letter to the government to campaign for guarantees of funding for the PrEP Impact Trial. PrEP is a medicine that has been shown to be...
Free music video-making for Young Lambeth residents Lambeth residents aged 16-21 – come and learn to work with musicians and make a video for exclusive screening at the British Film Institute
Lambeth sport and fitness – action for equality Women- only fitness classes across Lambeth help to make more women feel confident with physical activity as part of International Women’s Day .Take action for equality!
Homes for Lambeth ready to provide the homes to help tackle the borough’s housing crisis Lambeth Council’s wholly-owned housing company is ready to start delivering the new homes that will help tackle the borough’s housing crisis, councillors have been told. Cllr Matthew Bennett, Lambeth Council’s...
Laugh Till You Drop Age UK fundraiser Age UK hosts a one-off comedy fundraising gala to help prevent isolation among older people in Lambeth.
Community Gym Opens in Brixton Rec Community fitness sessions for women, for over-55s, for juniors and more are all on offer in the new gym space at Brixton Recreation Centre – now open.