Lambeth stands together against hate crime Last week was National Hate Crime Awareness Week find out how Lambeth got involved.
Heart London will ‘Turn up the Feelgood’ at Lambeth Fireworks Lambeth Fireworks organisers announce Heart London radio as a partner for November’s Brockwell Park fireworks, promising London’s best singalong soundtrack to match the phenomenal extravaganza!
Lambeth’s Try Before You Bike scheme now offering adapted cycles Try Before You Bike is now available to everybody, find a cycle adapted to you and fit it into your life.
Lambeth Local Plan Review: Your chance to shape Lambeth’s future Lambeth’s Local Plan is vital to delivering the council’s Borough Plan priorities of creative inclusive growth, reducing inequality and building strong and sustainable neighbourhoods. Have your say on how...
Supporting the London Living Wage Lambeth is proud to be a London Living Wage employer with all staff and 99 per cent of its contracts all paying the rate at a minimum.
Lambeth aiming to raise more from development We're consulting on Lambeth's Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) and we want your views.
Lambeth Black History Month week four Mon 22 – Sun 28 October Lambeth Libraries have created a month of readings, talks, visits and more for Black History Month. You can find full details of what’s happening when and where for week...
Windrush Generation photos celebrate local lives at St James, Clapham Reverend Kit Gunasekera of St James, Clapham explains the significance of Jim Grover’s photographs of the Windrush Generation and what inspired the church to host the exhibition in Black...