Help Lambeth Food Partnership improve the local food system Nominations needed by November 7 for people with an interest or passion for improving Lambeth’s food system as new Board members of the Lambeth Food Partnership.
Autumn Landlords’ Forum Lambeth Town Hall is hosting a free forum for landlords in the borough to talk about recent changes in the private rented sector – including the Council’s private rented...
Lambeth playground London’s ‘Coolest Place to Play’ Lambeth’s Triangle Adventure Playground in Oval has been named London’s Adventure Playground of the Year and London’s ‘Coolest Place to Play’ at the London Adventure Play Awards.
Lambeth Black History Month week five (and beyond) Mon 29 October – Fri 16 November Lambeth Libraries have created a month of readings, talks, visits and more for Black History Month. You can find full details of what’s happening when and where for the...
Lambeth ‘developer tax’ to bring in millions more to invest in the borough Lambeth is planning to raise an extra £28m to invest in priorities including schools and transport, by increasing the levy paid by the developers behind large-scale building projects across...
Lambeth remembers – Remembrance Sunday 2018 events Events and services will be held across Lambeth on Sunday, November 11, as part of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations to remember all of those who have died in war...
Rising to the challenge of fallen leaves Lambeth Council's street cleaning services partners Veolia take on 28 roadsweepers and additional vehicles every autumn to help keep your streets clear of autumn leaves. Just five trees can...
Flu jabs for frontline carers Frontline social care workers can get a free flu jab from their local pharmacies. No appointment needed.