Ready Steady Go! Ready Steady Go! (RSG) is a FREE healthy lifestyle programme children above the healthy weight and their families.
Tax Help for Older People Tax Help is a charity supporting people across the UK, free of charge, whether it’s a simple matter which can be dealt with over the phone, or a more...
All Sewn Up ‘All Sewn Up’ courses teach people soft furnishing and textiles skills in a supportive multi-cultural environment that also weaves the threads of lives together.
Green Flag Award – join Lambeth’s World Beating Open Spaces Friends of the Parks groups all over Lambeth do an amazing job in meeting the standards for Green Flag awards – and we think there are even more open...
Apply now for grants to create community connections and improve wellbeing Lambeth Wellbeing Fund is looking for projects led by local residents creating their own solutions to improving the health and wellbeing of their local communities. You can apply for...
Local lad makes good with Workwise Workwise is a partnership between Lambeth Council and St Mungo’s that aims to help some residents at risk of homelessness find work. Lionel brings local knowledge to the role...
Lambeth’s Local Offer for special needs young people We're here for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. We support them, their parents and carers, and professionals working in health, care or education.
Brixton Rowers earn Resilience Award Brixton Wings are challenging the myth that rowing is only for the privileged, and only for people who live near water! Based in the Angell Town Estate, Brixton they...