Reach for success jobs fair for Lambeth Care Leavers The Reach for Success Job Fair offers care leavers live employment vacancies, apprenticeship, education and training opportunities – and free food for early birds.
Lambeth’s Budget Challenge Over half of all of Lambeth Council’s spending goes on supporting our most vulnerable residents. We want you to help us spend this money wisely.
Ishmail’s Story Ishmail is a young person with very complex emotional and social needs - this is the story of how we are preparing him to live an independent adult life.
Conti’s Story Conti suffered neglect and found being looked after by foster carers difficult. This is the story of the support we've given Conti to integrate into his local community.
Patience’s Story Patience is a young adult who was exploited by adults who tried to get her involved in gang and criminal activities. This is the story of the support we've...
Derrick’s Story Derrick has a longstanding diagnosis of schizophrenia. With support from his carers Derrick recently moved into his own flat, and has become healthier, happier and more sociable as a...
Trevor’s Story Trevor is an elderly gentleman who we've been supporting to live as independently as possible for the last 12 years. Social workers have adapted his care plan around his...
Muhammad and Mira’s Story After Muhammad suffered from multiple strokes, his wife Mira struggled to care for him alone. We helped them move into 'extra-care' accommodation where they both get the support they...